About Us
‘Greeny’ through his energy and swift actions points out the inappropriate habits of ours in day to day life easily. He is the mascot of environment and our ideal friend who makes us understand the reality in a very simple way. Greeny expects that it should come from one’s within to believe in the ability and sensitivity towards nature. He intends to make our environment better.
Greeny is witty, childlike, energetic and sometimes he gets angry as well, but his acts wins hearts by making complex environmental issues easy to know and find solutions. Greeny has a universal appeal as the aspects he touches are from day to day life of every person. He speaks a universal language and that language is – ‘Action’ as it has a strong appeal to arouse awareness amongst people irrespective of their age. So what are you waiting for…?? Come together and join hands with Greeny to solve the environmental issues.